Advanced Endurance Racing Statistics & Analysis for Teams

Unlock the Power of Data in Endurance Racing with our Advanced Analytics. Gain post-race insight through interactive charts, graphs, and tables. Sort, search and filter to reveal the data that matters to you.


Get the Edge in Endurance Racing. Start for free and experience the power of data-driven insights with limited data. Upgrade anytime for unlimited access and unlock the full potential of our performance analysis.

Race Classification

Race final classification showing overall and class finishing positions, gaps, fastest laps, drivers and FIA categorizations.

Available in:
classification user interface

Driver and Team Performance

View Driver and Team Performance in box-and-whisker plot form. Visualise each drivers best laps, average pace, fastest lap and more. Filter the data by class, FIA category and car manufacturer.

Available in:
FREE for 1 week Performance Plan Professional Plan
performance user interface

Rising Lap Times.

Visualise each teams n-th fastest lap, see how their general pace relates to their fastest and slowest laps.

Available in:
Professional Plan
rising lap times user interface

Lap Positions

Visualise the how the race played out with lap-by-lap positions. See every position change, and who was in the car at the time.

Available in:
Professional Plan
lap positions user interface

Lap Times

View lap times over the entire race. Uncover pace trends and zoom the data to drill down to specific periods in the race.

Available in:
Professional Plan
lap times user interface

Stint Breakdown

Visualise how the race played out for each team. See who drove, when, and for how long, with additional data such as average and fastest laps.

Available in:
Professional Plan
stint breakdown user interface

Time Spent on Pit Lane

View each pitstop in detail, including time spent in pitlane, the lap on which it occurs and driver change information.

Available in:
Professional Plan
lap times user interface

New Features Coming Soon

We are always adding features to provide new insights into race data. Check out some of the features we are adding soon.

Recruiter Mode

Find the perfect driver for your vacant seat. Sort and filter drivers by performance and FIA rating.

Time Cards

View the time cards for each car throughout the race.


Weather data will add a new dimension of insight to all data visualisations.